Benefits of the Arts for Elderly Adults

Senior Care in New Brunswick Township NJ: Benefits of the Arts for Elderly Adults

Senior Care in New Brunswick Township NJ: Benefits of the Arts for Elderly Adults

Some elderly adults reach a point where they need to have family caregivers, senior care assistants and others to help them with their daily activities. They become more dependent on help for transportation and social activities. Unfortunately, they often have to miss out on some of the activities and events that once brought them pleasure. It’s not uncommon for elderly adults to have minimal exposure to the arts.

The benefits of being exposed to the arts are numerous for people of all ages, but especially seniors. Art is one of the best ways to bring elderly people happiness and beauty, plus it can stir up emotions and thoughts that can change the way people think. Family caregivers should take the time to add art to their elderly relative’s everyday life.

Here are a few of the benefits that elderly adults get from exposure to concerts, plays, musicals, art shows, and more.

  • Art connects the generations. For as long as humans have been around, they have made art. It’s part of the human experience, and no matter what form it takes, participants can appreciate it. Elderly people may find art that is relatable and enjoyable or strange and provoking. Either way, they are experiencing emotions and feelings in ways they hadn’t before.
  • Art communicates emotions. Like a language without words, art tells a story. It evokes all kinds of emotions within people, and it’s important to discover what the artist is trying to say. Experiencing art helps elderly people get in touch with their own emotions and partake in another’s thoughts and feelings.
  • Art can heal. Whether creating art or experiencing it, seniors can experience its power in healing. From reducing stress and relaxing the body to stimulating it and exciting the mind, art can provide the motivation needed to deal with physical and emotional issues.
  • Art is entertaining. With so many options for entertainment today, it’s easy for seniors to choose things that aren’t very stimulating. However, art and performing arts in general, are unique ways for elderly people to socialize, enjoy themselves and support the community.
  • Art is therapeutic. It’s known that certain aspects of art can be used in a therapy setting with seniors. Because art taps into a lot of deep emotions, it’s ideal for the elderly to help process what they may be feeling. From grief and depression to anxiety and sadness, there are times when seniors need to experience art to feel better.

There are numerous ways that family caregivers can increase their elderly loved one’s exposure to art. They can make arrangements for art classes at the senior center via family members or senior care assistants. Seniors can make visits to the local theater for plays, concerts and musicals. Local art galleries feature different artists, while libraries can have poetry readings and other literature reviews. There’s no reason why family caregivers can’t increase the amount of art in their elderly relative’s life.


If you or an aging loved one are considering senior care in New Brunswick Township, NJ, please contact the caring staff at Care Street Home Care of New Brunswick today. Call (732) 607-8870.