Does Your Senior Parent Need Overnight Care?

24-Hour Home Care in Edison NJ

24-Hour Home Care in Edison NJ

If your senior parent is living at home alone, they may need overnight care as they age. When seniors start to have limited mobility or chronic medical issues, having 24-hour home care is a good idea. With 24-hour home care. your mom or dad will never be alone. If they need help in the middle of the night, or if they are anxious about being alone at night, someone will be there to help them.

If you can’t be with your mom or dad around the clock, having 24-hour home care will help your senior parent be safe and comfortable at home. Care providers that are with your mom or dad all the time can help them with:

Safety and Fall Prevention

A fall can lead to serious injuries like broken bones or head injuries. And seniors are most prone to falling at night, when they are tired. With 24-hour care, someone is always there to help prevent accidents.

Caregivers can help your mom or dad with tasks like getting out of bed, walking around the house, or using the bathroom safely. If a fall does happen, there is someone there who can comfort your senior parent and get immediate medical help for them.

Help Managing Medications

Seniors who take multiple medications may need to take medications at odd hours or at night. It can be hard for seniors to remember when to take them or how much to take, especially if your mom or dad has to take medications at bedtime.

Missing doses or taking the wrong amount can lead to health problems. With 24-hour home care, caregivers make sure medications are taken correctly and on time. There is a lower chance that your mom or dad will forget their medications or take the wrong dose if they have a care provider with them.

Personal Care and Hygiene

As people age, they may find it harder to take care of personal hygiene. Things like bathing, dressing, and grooming can become difficult. Caregivers provide assistance with these tasks, ensuring that seniors stay clean and feel good about themselves. Having help with personal care also reduces the risk of skin infections or other health problems that can come from poor hygiene.

Companionship and Emotional Support

Loneliness is a common issue for seniors, especially at night. Seniors who live alone may be more anxious and lonelier at night.

24-hour home care means that your senior parent will have company at night so they feel less alone, less frightened, and less anxious.

Peace of Mind for Family

You will be able to take care of your family and other responsibilities without worrying about your mom or dad if you know they have 24-hour home care. And if you live far away and can’t visit your mom or dad often 24-hour home care can provide great peace of mind so that you don’t have to worry about your mom or dad being alone at home.

If you or an aging loved one is considering 24-hour home care in Edison, NJ, please contact the caring staff at Care Street Home Care today. Call (732) 607-8870.

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