The Benefits Of Elder Care For Seniors With Diabetes

Elder Care in South Brunswick NJ

Elder Care in South Brunswick NJ

Seniors may have a hard time making the adjustments they need to make when they are diagnosed with diabetes. The more that your senior parent understands about this condition, the easier it will be for them to learn how to manage it. Having elder care means that your mom or dad won’t have to struggle to make big lifestyle changes on their own. They will have help and encouragement to do things like move more and eat healthier.

Some of the benefits of elder care for seniors with diabetes include:

Personalized Diabetes Management

Caregivers can provide diabetes-specific care for your mom or dad, including monitoring blood glucose levels, making sure that your mom or dad takes their medication as prescribed and on time, so that your mom or dad doesn’t have any serious medication mix-ups.

Diet and Nutrition Support

Home care providers can help plan and prepare balanced meals that fit the diet recommended by your mom or dad’s doctor. Typically, seniors with diabetes are encourage to eat a low-carb diet. If your mom or dad has been recommended a low-carb diet an elder care provider can help your senior parent find new low-carb foods that they like.

They can also shop for specialty foods or prepare healthy meals and snacks that fall within the dietary guidelines that the doctor has given your mom or dad.

Encouraging Physical Activity

It can be very difficult for seniors with poor mobility or other challenges to get more activity in their day. But, an elder care provider can encourage your mom or dad to move more throughout the day.

And a care provider can do occupational therapy exercises with your mom or dad, play physical games like tossing a bean bag into a bucket or bowl, and put on streaming videos of chair yoga and other appropriate exercises for them.

Prevention of Complications

Proper foot care is crucial for diabetics to prevent infections and other complications. Caregivers can assist with foot inspections, proper hygiene, and coordinating with podiatrists if needed. They can also make sure that your mom or dad is elevating their feet, and help them put on compression stockings if the doctor has recommended them.

Emotional and Mental Support

Managing a chronic condition like diabetes can be stressful. Caregivers provide companionship and emotional support that can make it easier for your senior parent to cope with the challenges of living with diabetes.

Emergency Preparedness

Caregivers are trained to recognize the signs of diabetic emergencies, such as hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia, and can take immediate action to prevent serious health crises. If your mom or dad has a diabetic emergency a care provider can get immediate help and administer first aid if necessary.

During the time immediately after diagnosis when your mom or dad is still learning how to stabilize their blood sugar, they shouldn’t be alone. Around the clock care is available for seniors at home.

If you or an aging loved one is considering elder care in South Brunswick, NJ, please contact the caring staff at Care Street Home Care today. Call (732) 607-8870.

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