Six Ways Home Care Can Help Enhance Cognitive Health for Seniors

Home Care in Manalapan NJ

Maintaining cognitive health is a huge part of helping seniors stay as healthy and happy as possible. Engaging in activities that help them keep their brains stimulated helps to preserve cognitive function, improve memory, and support mental well-being. Home care can be a huge part of any plan to support seniors in their cognitive health…

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Why It’s Important to Identify Stressors as a Senior

Elder Care in South River NJ

Throughout life there will be ups and downs, stress naturally happens. Your loved one who is aging in place will need to learn how to cope with stress in healthy ways, practice self-compassion, but also identify stressors. It can be hard to do this on their own and a lot easier for someone on the…

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Five Tips for Noticing and Preventing Senior Depression

Companion Care at Home in Plainsboro NJ

So many seniors don’t realize that they’re battling depression. The symptoms can start out in very subtle ways, gradually increasing in intensity over time. There are lots of solutions that can help aging adults to manage their depression, including working with companion care at home. The trick is first to recognize depression and put those…

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